Welcome to The Jha Lab
6 December: Congratulations Dr. Abhilasha! Abhilasha has successfully defended her PhD Viva-Voce!!
18 November: Congratulations Meenakshi and Anjali for the publication in ACS Chemical Neuroscience!
16 November: Congratulations Abhilasha for publication in ACS Chemical Neuroscience in collaboration with Vaishnavi Tamara and Atanu Das!
12 November: Abhilasha's manuscript got published in Biochemistry! Congratulations!!
11 November: Deepak Jadhav Joined as PhD Scholar ! Welcome to the Jha Lab Deepak!
29 October: Congratulations Divya, Anjali P , Mona and Anjali J for publication in ACS Chemical Neuroscience.
20 September: Meenakshi's review got published in ACS Omega! Congratulations !!
29 July: Welcome to Jha Lab Ananda Duary as a PhD !
31 May: Abhilasha's manuscript got published in Biochemistry! Congratulations!!
16 April: Hurray! Santosh is a Senior Principal Scientist now!! Congratulations Santosh! Party toh banti hai!!
1 January: Priyanka Jena and Shruti Tiwari joined as PhD student in our lab. Welcome Priyanka and Shruti to Protein Biophysics lab!
29 August: Congratulations Dr. Divya Patni ! Divya successfully defended her PhD viva voce! All the best to her for journey ahead in Harvard Medical School as Post-Doc!
17 May: Meenakshi's manuscript got published in Biochemistry. Congratulations!!!
26 Apr: Congratulations to Abhilasha for securing a place in Top-5 position in the 3minute thesis (3MT) competition organised by NCL-TEC and hosted at CSIR-NCL, Pune
11 Apr: Divya's research paper got accepted in BBA-Proteins and Proteomics. Hurrayyy!!!
12 Feb: First review on Full-length TDP43 is published by Abhilasha in Biophysical Chemistry. Congratulations!!!
26 Oct: Nirbhik's review got published in JPCB. Congratulations!!!
17 Oct: Meenakshi Pillai got graduated. Congratulations and good luck for the future!!!
15 Jun: Abhilasha's manuscript on full length TDP-43 got accepted in JPCB. Congratulations!!! Many more to go.
14 Jan:Prajna's Review got accepted in Biop. Chem.. Congratulations Prajna for having first Review published from the lab. Party is still due..
30 Aug: Prajna successfully defended her PhD viva voce. Congratulations Dr. Prajna Mishra!! and all the best for your future endeavours.
15 Jul: Divya's manuscript got accepted in JPCB. Congrats!!
20 Apr: Prajna's and Divya's manuscript on HSA got accepted in Biophysical Chemistry. Congratulations!!!
28 Feb: Prajna Mishra received "Best Woman Research Scholar Award of the Year 2020 in Interdisciplinary Research" on the occasion of National Science Day 2021 celebration held at NCL, Pune.
28 Feb: Poster presented by Meenakshi Pillai during National Science Day 2021 celebration held at NCL, Pune was awarded with the Best Poster Award in Biological Sciences.
15 Jan: Nirbhik defended his PhD viva voce successfully. Kudos and congrats Dr. Nirbhik Acharya! He will soon be joining as a post-doc fellow at ASU.
1 Sep: Aman Kumar joined our lab as a PhD student. Welcome to the Jha's lab dear!
24 Aug: Abhilasha got promoted to senior research fellow. Congrats dear!!
28 Feb: Poster presented by Prajna Mishra during National Science Day 2020 celebration held at NCL, Pune was awarded with the Best Poster Award in Physical and Material Sciences.
28 Feb: Poster presented by Divya Patni during National Science Day 2020 celebration held at NCL, Pune was awarded with the Best Poster Award in Biological Sciences.
03 Jan: Meenakshi's research paper got accepted in Biochemistry.
22 Nov: Nirbhik Acharya received International Travel Grant under International Travel Scheme of SERB to attend GRC on Protein Folding Dynamics 2020.
13 Nov: Rishmi TP joins as project trainee. Welcome dear.
11 Nov: Tejas Gupte joins as Post Doc Fellow. Welcome to our lab.
31 Oct: Divya Patni got selected to attend FCS 2019 to be held at TIFR, Hyderabad. Congratulations!!!
14 Oct: We were fortunate enough to share our research with Prof. Steven G. Boxer and get wonderful insights from him followed by a talk from him on his ongoing research. Had a memorable day.
07 Oct: Dusshera celebration at NCL.
16 Aug: Sonal More joins our lab as JRF...Welcome to the group dear!!!
03 Aug: Nirbhik gave a talk in Biophysics Paschim held at IIT-Mumbai.
04 Jun: Abhilasha got selected for bioimaging workshop to be held at IISER Pune. Congrats dear
26-27 Feb: Meenakshi and Divya presented poster for Science Day at CSIR-NCL
14 Jan: Prajna's paper got accepted in JPC-B. Hurrayyyy!!!
05 Jan: Finally got party for Meenakshi's paper. Enjoyed a lot..
04 Jan: Divya Patni got upgraded to SRF. Congratulations
01 Jan: Celebrated New Year with a party and gaining some calories.
16 Dec: Santosh gave a talk on “The folding and aggregation energy landscapes of nucleic acid binding domains of human TDP-43 are coupled via a metastable molten globule-like oligomer” during 12th edition of Biophysics Paschim held at ACTREC, Navi Mumbai.
06 Dec: Meenakshi's manuscript got accepted in Biochemistry...First paper on aggregation from Jha's lab....Congratulations Dear..
17 Oct: Dusserha celebration at CSIR-NCL.
05 Sep: Teacher's Day celebration at Yana Sizzlers.
25 Aug: Lab Trip to Korigad Fort and Bhushi Dam. Enjoyed a lot in the rains
01 Aug: Abhilasha Doke joins us as PhD student.
23 Jul: Meenakshi Pillai got upgraded to SRF. Party to banti hai boss...
06 Jun: Kavya's project got successfully completed in our lab. All the best dear for your future endeavours.
29 Apr: It's party time....party at Santosh's place for completion of comprehensive examination of Divya and Meenakshi...
12 Apr: Meenakshi and Divya cleared comprehensive examination held at BCS division...Congrats to both of you...
10 Mar: Santosh gave a talk at 42nd Annual Meeting of the Indian Biophysical Society held at IISER PUNE.
01 Jan: Kavya E joined us as project trainee. Welcome dear!!!
21 Dec: Rucha Kulkarni joined us as project trainee. Welcome to our lab Rucha!!!
11 Dec: Meenakshi got funded by Biophysical Society, USA, to attend the “International Workshop on Modern Biophysical Tools and Techniques” to be held at IIT, Mumbai from December 11-15, 2017. Congratulations dear!!!!!!
11 Dec: Nirbhik Acharya got upgraded to SPMF-SRF... Heartiest Congratulations to you!!
30 Nov: Prajna won Best Poster Award at Divisional Symposium (Physical and Materials Chemistry Division) held at CSIR-NCL. Congratulations Prajna!!! Let's Party......
23 Nov: Happyyy Birthday Santosh!!!! Celebration @GOA.
27 Oct: Nirbhik, Prajna and Santosh's paper got accepted in PCCP. Congrats to all!!!
13 Sep: Prajna's paper got accepted in Journal of Physical Chemistry B. It's party time!!!
12 Jul: Minnu M. Lal completes her 6 months project. Loved your dedication. Goodluck for your future endeavours.
23 Jun: Anjali Nair completes her project.
16 Jun: Aditi Prabhu completes her project. Looking forward to meet you again.
08 May: Anjali Nair joins us as a project student. Happy learning Anjali and welcome to our lab.
03 May: Ammu Surendran completes her project successfully. We will miss you Ammu. Wish you with all the luck for your future.
24 Apr: Aditi Prabhu joins as a project student.
28 Mar: Celebrated Prajna's upgradation and Gudi Parwa.
27 Mar: Prajna Mishra got upgraded as SRF. It's party time!!!!
15 Feb: Minnu M. Lal joins us as project student.
12 Dec: Ammu Surendran joins us as project student. Welcome and have a great learning experience.
23 Nov: Santosh's Birthday Celebration
14 Nov: Divya's Birthday Celebration
09 Nov: Nirbhik and Prajna presented their research at Protein Folding Consortium, NCBS Bengaluru
09 Nov: Santosh gives a talk at International Symposium on Protein Folding and Dynamics, NCBS Bengaluru
12 Oct: Meenakshi's Birthday Celebration
21 Sep: Lab Trip to Lohagarh Fort and Bhaja Caves
01 Aug: Divya joined as Phd student. Welcome!!
18 Jul: Meenakshi joined as Phd student. Welcome!!
23 Dec: Nirbhik,Prajna and Santosh's paper got accepted in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. Congrats and Best of Luck!!
01 Jan: Shweta joined our lab as Phd student.
29 Dec: Prajna joined as Phd student. Welcome Prajna!!
01 Aug: Nirbhik joined as Phd student. Welcome!!