Welcome to The Jha Lab
Dr. Santosh Kumar Jha
Senior Principal Scientist
E-mail ID: sk.jha@ncl.res.in

Professional Experience
January 2024- Present
Senior Principal Scientist & Associate Professor (AcSIR), Physical and Materials Chemistry Division, CSIR- National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
January 2018- January 2024
Principal Scientist & Associate Professor (AcSIR), Physical and Materials Chemistry Division, CSIR- National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
January 2014-January 2018
Senior Scientist & Assistant Professor (AcSIR), Physical and Materials Chemistry Division,CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
April 2012- January 2014
Postdoctoral Scholar, Institute for Quantitative Bioscience (QB3), University of California, Berkeley, USA.
Advisor: Prof. Susan Marqusee
February 2010- March 2012
Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, USA.
Advisor: Prof. Steven G. Boxer
October 2003-November 2009
Ph.D. in Biophysical Chemistry, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore, India.
Advisor: Prof. Jayant B. Udgaonkar
August 2001- Aug 2003
M.Sc. in Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India.
July 1998- July 2001
B.Sc. (H) Chemistry, Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi, India.
DST-SERB Early Career Research Award. (2016-2019)
Travel award sponsored by Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter (ICAM), USA, to attend and present a poster at International Symposium on Protein Folding and Dynamics, Bangalore, India. (2012)
TAA-Zita Lobo Memorial award for Best Thesis. This award is given for the most outstanding Ph.D. thesis of the year submitted to TIFR for work done in biological and chemical sciences. (2010)
International Travel Award by Biophysical Society, USA, to present a poster at Biophysical Society 53rd Annual Meeting held at Boston, USA. (2009)
Best poster award in NCBS Annual Review talks, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore. (2009)
First prize in poster presentation at 10th ISMAS Triennial International Symposium on Mass Spectrometry held at Munnar, India. (2006)
Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellowship (SPMF) award in Chemical Sciences by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India. This award is given to the toppers of CSIR-UGC NET exam to pursue a Ph.D. in science. (2003)
Certificate of Excellence for securing 1st rank in B.Sc. (Honors) Chemistry, Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi. (2001)
Third prize in Millennium Science Aptitude Quest organized by Centre for Science Education and Communication, University of Delhi. (2000)